Reducing The Risk
We have a high value for the safety and well-being of our children and youth. We provide this training so all Serve Team Members can be above reproach and follow our procedures. This class is a requirement for all Serve Team Members.
Begin Here
This book will quide you through procedures that keep children and vulnerable adults safe. You will learn about Serve Team expectations and the who, what, where, and when of making a report. We'll also cover basic Health and Safety Guidelines.
This book is a guide to the video.
Watch the Video
In three parts, this video wil take you step-by-step though our child protection, reporting, and health and safety playbook. Learn from COTR leaders and then take time to reflect on what these mean for your ministry environment.
Take the Test
Let's check what you learned! This multiple choice test lets us know that you have absorbed key points.
Once you get a passing grade, we will update your U-Link profile. If at first you don't succeed, try again!