“…Pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayer
and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying
for all the saints.”
-Ephesians 6:18
Corporate Prayer
VERTICAL CORPORATE PRAYER is a weekly, hour long prayer meeting open to the whole church and community. We pray for each other, COTR, leadership, the Mat-Su Valley, Alaska, our Nation, Globally and whatever else The Holy Spirit leads us to pray. It’s a wonderful time of connecting our hearts to God’s and praying as He leads. The Holy Spirit shows up in powerful ways during our meetings and our prayers are making a difference. Please visit our info center for campus specific details.
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER – Many members and guests have expressed that they’ve felt a warm, loving, spirit-filled presence during our services. How does this happen? Through prayer! We have a group of faithful men and women who gather every Sunday to pray for the presence of God in our services. They also pray over our pastors, ministry leaders, and members at Church on the Rock. Please visit our info center for campus specific detail.
Each year we dedicate the first 21 days to pray corporately. Please visit our info center for campus specific campus details.
Several times a year the prayer team joins the worship team for a night of worship and prayer. Make sure to check the church calendar in ULink for upcoming opportunities.
Imagine hundreds of people lifting up needs together in prayer! It’s happening right here at Church on the Rock. Email your request to prayer(at)
It is our prayer and desire to see the body of COTR connecting their hearts to God, seeking His will, praying in the Spirit on all occasions and equipped for the calling God has given each of us as individuals and collectively as a church. Our team prays regularly that we as the body would seek God’s presence and ask Him to teach us to pray for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, in our lives, church and community. We pray regularly that God would raise up believers who are passionate about prayer and love seeing God move and answer prayer to join us as members of the Prayer Ministry Team. If you feel God leading you towards prayer ministry we would love to have a conversation with you about it. For more information call us at 907-373-7910 or mail us at Prayer(at)